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Climate Resiliency Action Plan

The Climate Resiliency Action Plan is the core of the Eco-Schools Programme. The Action Plan template guides schools in setting specific goals on fixed time scales to reduce the environmental impacts identified in the Environmental Review.

Using our map and road-trip analogy, the action plan is our route planner, giving the finer details on how we aim to reach our destination.   

It is crucial to work out how you will monitor and measure your progress, and this should be integrated into your action plan.  When possible, set quantifiable targets, e.g. 50% reduction in waste in 6 months; 100% recycling of plastic bottles in 8 months; 10% reduction on electricity consumption from previous year, etc. Try to involve all the committee members in the development of the action plan, and as much of the school as possible in its implementation. The Action Plan should also be linked to curriculum work.  

Example Action Plan Excerpt:


Top Tip:  The Action Plan is not a review of the work that has already been carried out, but a list of future targets and goals of your programme and a detailed description of the actions to be implemented (and by whom) within specific time frames in order to achieve those goals and targets.

In summary, your Action Plan should:

  • Be developed from the results of your review;
  • Contain realistic and quantifiable goals and targets.  These goals should be displayed at the top of the Action Plan;
  • Be in table format (as in our portrait template or landscape template), identifying action, person or group responsible, and the time frame for completion;
  • Be displayed on your Eco-Schools notice board; and
  • Include regular monitoring and be updated if and when necessary.

If you are struggling for ideas or not sure of what support is available to help you address some of the challenges and problems your school have identified please review our 'Eco-School Topics & Ways to Get Involved Guide' here.

Eco-Schools and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Eco-Schools topics compliment many of the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Once you have chosen your 3 topics try linking them to an SDG in your Action Plan (see how the topics fit with the SDGs). For more information on the SDGs and useful resources visit the Sustainable Development Goals page.